Our Annual Camping Trip
Each year, on the third weekend in October, I host a camp out for my friends. We camp out for at least two nights, and do a little fall hiking during the days. Three of us were going to camp out three nights: Friday, Saturday and Sunday and go home sometime Monday afternoon. the others were going camp out on Saturday night. This year was special. We had obtained the National Park Service cave permit for Fitton Cave, which is located inside the Buffalo National River Park. I would like to thank Chuck Benning of the NPS for assisting us with the application, and for timely notification that we had received it. Thanks Chuck! I had my friend Josh, who lives in California coming in again (he is an avid caver) as well as friends from Kingston and Fayetteville and Deer all coming. Most of them were going go in the cave, but a few of us were planning on our annual walk up to Cone Point.
We arrived at our campsite on Friday afternoon and got the tents up and all the necessary coolers and such unloaded. There is a rock fire pit there, and we had already brought in some oak firewood, so Bill built us a big fire. We would need it as it got positively nippy out. Josh turned on his gps/weather radio and we heard that Saturday was supposed to be brilliant, highs over 80 and lows in the mid-50's. We snugged a bit closer to the fire, hearing that Friday nights lows would be near 40! We had a gas grill at the campsite and decided that since it was going to be on the chilly side, chili would be a good supper. We fired up the side burner on the grill and in no time the three of us were warmed up by the fire and the chili. We spent the evening watching the stars and the fire and catching up on what was new with Josh, whom we had not seen in a year.
We had to get up early on Saturday so that the guys who were going on the Fitton Cave trip could rendezvous with those who did not camp out. After they were all on their way, myself and Bill got ourselves ready for our hike to Cone Point. My friend Dwayne, who was supposed to come along had been unable to come this year, so it was just us two for the hike. The hike is not long in distance but has a 700 foot elevation change before you get to the top, and several tricky spots where you have to climb up through a crack in the bluff to reach the very top.
Bill and I had made this hike many times over the years and we took our time going up the mountainside, taking two breaks along the way. I think one reason we like this hike is the view from the top of Cone Point. Once we got to the top we strolled around the top, enjoying the panoramic views of Erbie Valley, Newberry Point and both Boone and Newton County. The way down always goes quicker than the up, and once we left the top it only took us 30 minutes to get back to the campsite.
While waiting for the guys to return from Fitton Cave, a few of my friends that live in the area stopped by for drinks and a visit. I have known these guys for a long time, but had not seen them in a while. We enjoyed the late afternoon sunshine while catching up on the news in our lives. Josh, Alf, Ray and Wes joined myself, Bill, David and Ken around 5 p.m., having spent 7 hours on the cave trip.
Josh gave me his pictures and first hand account. You can see the cave pictures and read his report here.
While waiting for the guys to return from Fitton Cave, a few of my friends that live in the area stopped by for drinks and a visit. I have known these guys for a long time, but had not seen them in a while. We enjoyed the late afternoon sunshine while catching up on the news in our lives. Josh, Alf, Ray and Wes joined myself, Bill, David and Ken around 5 p.m., having spent 7 hours on the cave trip.
Josh gave me his pictures and first hand account. You can see the cave pictures and read his report here.
When everyone had returned to the campsite I made a great steak dinner on the grill. Well, they told me it was great anyway !! Once we were all well fed all eight of us sat around the fire recounting the days adventures, watching the stars and laughing. We kept the fire going at full blast the whole evening. Josh even put his feet up to keep warm, even though the weather was really nice, and the evening was accompanied by a gentle, southerly breeze. Simply a beautiful night.
Sunday morning found everyone sorta tired, sore and worn out. After breakfast some of the guys had to leave and head home, but Bill, Josh and myself were lucky. We got to camp out an extra night. None of us felt like doing much that Sunday and basically we sat around, reading and relaxing, occasionally stretching the legs for a bit or piddling around the campsite. Both breakfast and lunch were very much grab what you wanted out of the coolers and fix it up. Once in a while we scanned the skies for aliens. Ken stopped by for an afternoon visit. My friend Ken says that alien's not landing on earth proves there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe! That evening we cooked hot dogs on sticks along with some potato salad. I was quite surprised to find out that this was Josh's first time cooking a hotdog on a stick over an open fire! The weather remained unseasonably warm and we stayed up late, just enjoying being outside.
Monday morning was our last day at the camp. After a quick breakfast we dismantled our tents and packed up all our equipment. Bill headed home, while Josh and I decided to take a quick hike down to and along the Buffalo River, before returning to Harrison. It was another very nice day and we enjoyed our 3.5 mile hike. After the hike we returned to Harrison and on Tuesday I drove Josh to Springfield, MO. to catch his plane back to California.
I had a blast at our campout! The Ozark Mountains of Arkansas provides many wonderful opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. Whether it's floating the Buffalo River, swimming, rock climbing, horseback riding, fishing, caving or just hiking in the woods, Arkansas can accommodate you. It is a wonderful area to explore with your family or friends. Take some time this coming year to visit our area, I am sure you will enjoy yourself.
I had a blast at our campout! The Ozark Mountains of Arkansas provides many wonderful opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. Whether it's floating the Buffalo River, swimming, rock climbing, horseback riding, fishing, caving or just hiking in the woods, Arkansas can accommodate you. It is a wonderful area to explore with your family or friends. Take some time this coming year to visit our area, I am sure you will enjoy yourself.