A Fresh Start & A New Outlook
It has been three months since my last update. I apologize to my faithful readers, the death of my long time hiking partner had a more profound effect on me than I first supposed. In addition I have had a few health issues that have kept me preoccupied. Thankfully I have been able to move on. Twenty one years ago I started the Barefoot Traveler with a hike along Cecil Creek, removing my shoes and walking barefoot after crossing the creek to let my feet dry. (I had no towel). I feel like I am starting over again. I have come to grips with the loss of my friends, and can honor their memory by continuing to do the things we enjoyed. So I cajoled an old friend of mine to take a drive with me. He agreed and off we went.
My first task was to get an up to date copy of the Arkansas Gazetteer. For many years we had used my first addition, but the change in road names and numbers due to the implementation of the 911 service has made mine useless. I decided to drive down to the Lost Valley Canoe & Historic Store, in Ponca, where I had bought my original copy. I always try and stop here. They offer pretty much anything you might need for your visit. They also have extensive and detailed knowledge of the area. I picked up my copy of the Gazetteer (could have got it cheaper on Amazon, but I like to support my local businesses) and spent a few minutes visiting. I mentioned I had not seen the Boxley swan last time I drove through the area and they said he had not been seen for about 6 months, so probably he had died.
Leaving the store I drove us down to Whitely Spring which is located in Boxley Valley. My friend had not been here for many years and enjoyed walking the area and reminiscing about times long gone. Although spring was just getting underway, it was a warm afternoon, and we spent a little time here. On the way back we drove the old road north of the Pruitt bridge. It was a bit rough but we finally made it back to town.
It was mid-April and I was talking with an old friend, Ann. She mentioned that she had never hiked any of the Buffalo River Trail. So, we made arrangements to meet at Ozark and walk from Ozark to Pruitt. We were very lucky since the day we chose was delightfully sunny and just the right temperature for a stroll in the woods.
It was mid-April and I was talking with an old friend, Ann. She mentioned that she had never hiked any of the Buffalo River Trail. So, we made arrangements to meet at Ozark and walk from Ozark to Pruitt. We were very lucky since the day we chose was delightfully sunny and just the right temperature for a stroll in the woods.
I enjoyed watching my friend discover the wildflowers and plants that were showing themselves along our trail. Ann knew the names of all the flowers and all the local herbs too. She was surprised to see such a variety of vegetation and the differences between various micro-climates along the trail. We stopped several times during our 2.5 mile hike for refreshments before arriving at the now abandoned Pruitt Ranger Station, where we picked up the shuttle vehicle and drove back to Ozark to pick up the first vehicle. Ann headed home to Murray and I drove back to Harrison.